It’s Palm Sunday and we’re celebrating Jesus’ triumphal entry with some Baptisms! We’re also looking at Matthew 21.1-11 and the two disciples who were tasked with trusting Jesus when he told them to get him a donkey. Key Scriptures: Luke 23.46 Matthew 27.50-61 Matthew 28.1-8 A lot happened all because Jesus trusted and put His life in the hands of His Heavenly Father. Jesus’ final words were: A bold declaration. A confident declaration. A public declaration. Declaring that God the Father would do what was best. Takeaways: As we enter a season that......
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Nehemiah: Timeless vs Temporary
The people of Israel attempt to re-establish God’s church based on the scriptures. The find the passage...
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God has visited His people
Guest Speaker: Jason Beedon Who is Jesus? When you’re praying to Him do you know who you’re...
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