Beattitudes Part 5: An Appetite that Satisfies
We live in a day where there are satisfaction issues. We’re in Matthew 5.6 this week and learning about how those who hunger and thirst after righteousness are blessed and will be satisfied. Join us as we look at the things that fill us today and reevaluate where our focus and what we hunger and thirst for.
Focus Text: Matthew 5.1-12
Key Verse: Matthew 5.6
Key Points
- We have too many options.
- 1st Century longing was rooted in having too little.
- Our longing is typically rooted in having too much.
- Matthew 19.24
- We’re under pressure to create an identity rather than accept a given identity.
- Pauline Theology: You are given righteousness by God
- Present-day effect: You must pursue it.
- 1 Peter 2.1-3
- Philippians 4.10-13
- We feel empty, but feeling has little to do with being empty. We feel empty because we are full of the wrong stuff.
- Psalm 4.1
- John 6.35
Questions to ask
- What do you really long for?
- Where do your appetites lie?
- What do you hunger for?
- What do you thirst for?
- Is Christ enough? Is your God truly sufficient? (He is! Where are you on your journey with Him?)
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Other Sermons In This Series
Beatitudes, Part 3: Blessed are those who mourn
July 21, 2019
Beatitudes, Part 1: Intro
July 07, 2019
Beatitudes, Part 4: Meek Isn’t Weak (Blessed are the Meek)
August 04, 2019