Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update 3

Yesterday’s meeting with elder board went as expected. And yet, it was very upsetting to me at the same time. My desire more than anything else to be with all of you especially in the midst of this worldwide health crisis. Unfortunately, we will cancelling onsite worship services for at the least the next two weeks and then reassessing.
Let’s maintain our spiritual disciplines and choose to focus on being together even though we can’t physically be in the same room.
This does not mean that we will be cancelling church. Sunday at 10:30 am I will be giving a sermon that will be streaming both on our Facebook page as well as here on the church website. I would encourage each of you to tune in at that time. Let’s maintain our spiritual disciplines and choose to focus on being together even though we can’t physically be in the same room. Let’s choose to be united in spirit and in purpose. Let’s consider the command of Hebrews 10.25 to still be an expectation even though we must maintain physical distance.
Not forsaking our own assembling together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another; and all the more as you see the day drawing near.
Hebrews 10.25
We find ourselves in a time of need. Not just as a church but in the world we live in. In fact, when I am done writing this I will be heading to a local blood drive as there is a major deficiency in the local blood banks. I would encourage you to keep your head on a swivel in regards to the needs in our communities. Give blood if you are able. Choose to keep your ears open to others needs. Give time to the elderly and immune deficient who can’t get out.
We live in amazing times times where we can text, FaceTime and call as means to encourage those who need it most. Let’s double down in our commitment to be the church during this time.
I would also ask that those who are members of Hartland Bible Church to please be mindful that while we are not open and doing ministry as normal that we have many obligations. We support missionaries all around the world and we have weekly operating expenses that do not go away even though we are unable to meet together on a regular basis. I would prayerfully ask that you would please help meet these needs. You can do so by giving online or by mailing your tithes and offerings to the church.
While many in our world are giving into fear let us commit together to remember that “greater is He who in us than he who is in the world” (1 John 4.4). We have reason to hope for our God is still on the throne and He isn’t going anywhere!!!
Love you all!
Pastor Jon
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